The KAHPF is the peak regional forum for improving health and wellbeing outcomes for Aboriginal people in the Kimberley region of Western Australia.




For Kimberley Aboriginal people, families, and communities to lead strong, self-determining lives.

Formed in 1998 as the Kimberley Aboriginal Health Plan Steering Committee, the Kimberley Aboriginal Health Planning Forum (KAHPF) has grown to become the leading regional health forum in Western Australia’s Kimberley region. Over time, the role of the KAHPF has subsequently expanded. The KAHPF is now the peak regional forum for improving health and wellbeing outcomes for Aboriginal people in the Kimberley region of Western Australia.


To improve the health and wellbeing of Aboriginal people living in the Kimberley.

The KAHPF is committed to the National Agreement on Closing the Gap. The KAHPF Strategic Plan 2024–2028: Together in Wellness aligns with this Agreement and embodies a strategic, collaborative effort that draws upon collective experiences and achievements. It ensures that actions are targeted to effectively address the diverse needs of Kimberley Aboriginal people, families, and communities. The KAHPF, through its members and Sub-committees, takes ultimate responsibility for overseeing the implementation of its Strategic Plan.



The KAHPF focuses on issues and actions that will deliver progress towards the National Agreement on Closing the Gap. The KAHPF views Aboriginal health in a holistic context and recognises the need for high-quality, culturally responsive, preventative, integrated, and comprehensive primary health care, aged care, and disability services. The KAHPF takes into consideration the impact of the social determinants of health, including environmental health, across the life course.

The strategic priorities of the Strategic Plan are:

  1. Reform: Embed the elements of the four priority reforms of the National Agreement on Closing the Gap into all collaborative efforts of the KAHPF.

  2. Improved health system: Deliver holistic health, aged care and disability services to Kimberley Aboriginal people and communities, focusing on environmental health, health promotion, and the prevention and management of primary and acute care issues.

  3. Aboriginal workforce: Prioritise, grow, and sustain Aboriginal representation and leadership across the Kimberley health, disability, and aged care workforces.

  4. Shared knowledge: Ensure that health research and evaluation initiatives are co-designed in a culturally secure manner and clear outcomes are achieved.

  5. Genuine partnerships: Embed shared decision-making, genuine partnerships, and collaborative approaches across Kimberley health, disability, and aged care planning, coordination, advocacy, and service delivery.
