The KAHPF is the peak regional health forum for improving health outcomes for Aboriginal people in the Kimberley region of Western Australia.



The Kimberley Aboriginal Health Planning Forum (KAHPF), originally called the Kimberley Aboriginal Health Plan Steering Committee, formed in 1998 with the task of developing a Kimberley Regional Aboriginal Health Plan.

Over time, the role of the KAHPF has subsequently expanded. The KAHPF is now the peak regional health forum for improving health outcomes for Aboriginal people in the Kimberley region of Western Australia.

Primary health care services are delivered through a range of Aboriginal community controlled, government and non-government services across the region. While these services each play a pivotal role in contributing to improved and sustainable health outcomes for Aboriginal people in the Kimberley, KAHPF has always acknowledged the importance of collective investment, partnerships and accountability to each other. Accordingly, KAHPF strives towards being the collective voice for the regional planning, coordination and advocacy of key actions required to deliver high quality comprehensive, culturally responsive primary health care services to Aboriginal people in the Kimberley.

The KAHPF Strategic Plan 2018-2028 outlines the key priorities of the KAHPF to drive improvements in health outcomes for Aboriginal people in the Kimberley. KAHPF takes ultimate responsibility for overseeing its implementation through its members and Sub-committees.



The KAHPF is a partnership between organisations working in primary health care for Kimberley Aboriginal people. Some achievements of the KAHPF and its Sub-committees include:

  • Strong membership with broad representation.

  • Sub-committees have been established to support and progress the key priorities of the KAHPF Strategic Plan.

  • Kimberley Clinical Guidelines have been developed to standardise screening and management of conditions prevalaent in the Kimberley, covering maternal health, child health, chronic disease, sexual and reproductive health and drug, alcohol and mental health.

  • The Kimberley Standard Drug List has been developed to guide the dispensing of medications in hospitals and primary health care clinics across the region.

  • Our collective planning and response to COVID-19 has been noted as an exemplar.
