KAHPF Members

The KAHPF is comprised of core member organisations and associate member organisations.

Core Members

To qualify as a core member, organisations must meet all of the following criteria:

  1. Be based in the Kimberley or have a substantial regional presence.

  2. Have health or health-related service delivery as their core business.

  3. Provide services that address gaps rather than duplicate existing services.

  4. Demonstrate long-standing relationships with Aboriginal people in the region.

Core membership of the KAHPF includes representatives of the organisations listed below:

Kimberley Aboriginal Medical Services

Kimberley Aboriginal Medical Services Ltd (KAMS) is a member based, regional Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Service (ACCHS), providing support and representing the interests of eight independent services from towns and remote communities across the Kimberley region, and Kimberley Renal Services, which is a wholly owned subsidiary.

KAMS provides a wide range of services including financial and accounting, regional population health programs, social and emotional wellbeing support, health promotion, information communication technology support, corporate services, accredited health training and education, and research.

While its major role is in regional advocacy and support for member services, KAMS also provides comprehensive primary health care services in the remote communities of Beagle Bay, Bidyadanga, Balgo, Mulan and Billiluna. In 2014 KAMS established Kimberley Renal Services Pty Ltd to manage the provision of regional renal support and dialysis services in Broome, Derby, Kununurra and Fitzroy Crossing.


Western Australian Country Health Service

WA Country Health Service (WACHS) provides a range of primary health services in the Kimberley region.  These include Remote Area Clinics in the communities of Kalumburu, Looma, Warmun, Ardyaloon, Bayulu and Lombadina/Djarindjin. WACHS also provides pathology, aged care , community and public health, allied health and mental health and drug and alcohol services.


Broome Regional Aboriginal Medical Service

The Broome Regional Aboriginal Medical Service (BRAMS) is an ACCHS which has been caring for the Broome community for more than 40 years. When they first opened their doors in 1978, BRAMS was the first remote Aboriginal Medical Service in WA.

BRAMS provides comprehensive, holistic and culturally responsive primary health care, social and emotional wellbeing services, and National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) support to Aboriginal people living in Broome. BRAMS delivers more than 40,000 of occasions of service each year.

BRAMS has an experienced team of health professionals, including Aboriginal Health Workers and Practitioners, GPs, Nurses, Psychologists, Social and Emotional Wellbeing Counsellors, NDIS support workers, and Public Health Officers who work together to improve health outcomes in the local community.


Derby Aboriginal Health Service

The Derby Aboriginal Health Service (DAHS) commenced operations in December 1998. As an ACCHS, DAHS is committed to core principles including Aboriginal self-determination, access, equity, empowerment and reconciliation.

DAHS offers culturally appropriate health, education and health promotion programs and clinical services to community members in Derby, Jarlmadangah, Pandanus Park and remote communities on the Gibb River Road. 


Nindilingarri Cultural Health Services

Nindilingarri Cultural Health Services (NCHS) is an ACCHS which began in 1995 following a wide reaching community consultation.

NCHS provides a holistic, culturally appropriate service to all the language groups in the 45+ communities in the Fitzroy Valley with a focus on disease prevention and health promotion. In addition the organisation provides alcohol and other drug prevention and mental health services, and aged care services for the elderly. 

NCHS is also the custodian of the partnership with the Fitzroy Valley Health Service (FVHS) – the Partnership works together to improve the quality of services for local people.


Yura Yungi Medical Service

Yura Yungi Medical Service Aboriginal Corporation (YYMS) is an ACCHS that provides comprehensive primary health care services to the Aboriginal population and others in and around Halls Creek. 

The service provides primary health care clinical services and population health programs in Halls Creek and Ringers Soak.


Ord Valley Aboriginal Health Service

Ord Valley Aboriginal Health Service (OVAHS) is an ACCHS, that was originally named East Kimberley Aboriginal Medical Service, formed in 1984. OVAHS provides comprehensive primary health care services to the Aboriginal population of Kununurra, Doon Doon, Glen Hill and the outlying communities around Kununurra; and remote clinics in the Northern Territory areas of the Duncan Highway and Keep River.


Bidyadanga Aboriginal Community La Grange

Bidyadanga Aboriginal Community La Grange Inc (BACLG) was incorporated in 1975 as a not-for-profit organisation to administer government-funded programs such as the Daycare service, Municipal Services, and agencies of Centrelink and Australia Post, for the community. A Council of community representatives governs the organisation.

BACLG are the representative body that acts in the best interest of the Bidyadanga Aboriginal Community and its residents, in order to meet their aspirations and goals, and deliver effective planning, coordination and administration including the monitoring and development of essential and semi-essential services so as to create employment opportunities and work towards creating a better future for their children, improved living standards and overall quality of life.


Milliya Rumurra Aboriginal Corporation

Milliya Rumurra Aboriginal Corporation has been providing support to individuals, families and communities affected by alcohol and other drugs (AOD) since 1978. Milliya Rumurra means ‘First Day’ or ‘Brand New Day’ in Yawuru language and was established by community leaders who wanted to provide a place that people could come to for help, so that they could help them to achieve their full potential.

Services include: residential rehabilitation, Community AOD Program, Continuing Care Program, outreach (in partnership with Cyrenian House), Sobering Up Shelter (Broome) and Assertive Outreach.


Lions Outback Vision

Lions Outback Vision was established in 2010 with the support of the Lions Eye Institute and the University of Western Australia.

They are a small, but dedicated, team of eye health professionals that are firmly committed to improving the eye health of rural, remote and Indigenous West Australians. They believe that all Australians should be able to access comprehensive and appropriate eye health care services irrespective of where they may live.

Lions Outback Vision aims to address the unique challenges of delivering quality specialist eye health care to regional, remote and Indigenous communities across WA with the development and implementation of innovative and sustainable models of service delivery. They currently provide specialist eye health care services throughout the Pilbara, Kimberley, Goldfields, Midwest and Great Southern regions of WA.


Boab Health Services

Boab Health Services is a not-for-profit accredited primary health care organisation. They have been providing multidisciplinary services to towns and remote communities in the Kimberley region since 1998.

Their Allied Health, Mental Health and Integrated Team Care programs provide a range of services to support people in the Kimberley improve their health and wellbeing. They provide clinical allied health services, counselling, care co-ordination and health promotion programs under the guiding principles of patient-centred care and self-management.


Royal Flying Doctor Service

The Royal Flying Doctor Service (RFDS) provides 24-hour emergency evacuations, inter-hospital transfers and a range of primary health care services.  


Nirrumbuk Environmental Health and Services

Nirrumbuk Environmental Health and Services (NEHS) was established by empowered Kimberley communities on the Dampier Peninsula who, having perceived a need for a community-controlled placed-based service organisation, collaborated to create a corporate entity dedicated to remote service delivery.

NEHS has since grown to become a significant employer of Aboriginal people across the entire Kimberley region with an expansive offering of services and programs. As an Aboriginal community-controlled organisation, they are driven by an Aboriginal membership that is predominantly derived from Broome and the Dampier Peninsula.